Many of our customers use our service from some remote locations in the world. While our site should operate normally from these locations you may suffer some speed issues in accessing pages if the local Internet is not up to the job or intermittent.
Other issues you may experience is adding funds to your PC2Paper account while out of the country. In order to help with this, we have put together a guide to explain what is happening and what you can do to mitigate these issues.
For cases where the Internet connection is intermittent or you are using satellite Internet connections, you may find using our Email to Letter Gateway an easier option. This interface will attempt to use the cheapest option to send your letter.
If you are operating from a remote location, it is possible you may also experience issues topping up your PC2Paper account with credit from these locations. Credit Card providers are very cautious when they see a card being used from a location that it is not usually used from and will often block the transactions. We often find customers using their cards from some locations in Asia, Africa and the Middle East having their cards declined.
To get around these problems you could try some of the following.