WARNING: THIS IS OUR TEST ENVIRONMENT. Letters sent from here will not be sent, please go to www.pc2paper.co.uk

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Here you will find all the help and resources you need in order to program applications for PC2Papers API interfaces.

PC2Paper has two letter sending API's and two legacy API's that are documented for older systems that still use them. We highly recommend the usage of our SOAP or JSON API's for the creation of any new applications or integrations. 

If you would like more advice on which interface to use or if you have a requirement that you do not believe is covered by our API's please get in touch with us. We also have software which can scrape PDF files for addresses automatically provided they are in a particular format.

PC2Paper API Compare
 Form Post Interface 
XML Interface 
Supports PDF Documents No Yes Yes Yes
Supports Free Text Yes No Yes Yes
Enables Print Type selection Yes Yes Yes Yes
Enable Postage Type selection Yes Yes Yes Yes
Code Available Yes Yes Yes Yes
Enables formatted HTML Yes No Yes Yes
Supports multiple recipients No No Yes Yes
Supports cover letter and
Multiple PDF attachments
No No Yes


To help you we have provided the following:

  • Online documentation
  • Code samples. We provide as many as we can however we would love to see examples submitted by you to help others.

What do I do next?

  • Read about our API interfaces using the table above and the links to the left to decide which API is right for you.
  • Subscribe to our blog to keep up to date with the latest developments